Sunday, October 30, 2005

What mystical creature would be your ally?

Your Ally would be a griffin! These creatures have
the head, fore legs, and wings of an eagle. The
body and tail is that of a lion. Sometimes
depicted with horns and huge ears, the griffin
is a symbol of vigilance and strength. In Greek
mythology griffins belonged to Zeus, king of
the gods. The griffin is also known by the
names Gryphon, Gitto, and Griffith.

The reason your ally would be a griffin is because
your element is AIR. You may come off as being
a little gullible and kinda girly but your
actually not the type to brag about your inner
strength. You would enjoy the power of flight
and invisibility because sometimes you wish you
could just escape from all of the stress you
may encounter. Your athletic, adventurous, and
smart; whether its common sense of
academically. Your style is something beautiful
and unique, Kind of like a feather light meshy
top with a soft ribbon like belt.

Colors:light pink, powder blue, lavender, and white
Please Vote!

What mystical creature would be your ally? (Amazing Pics and Results!plz Vote!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

What kind of girl are you?

You a smart girl who only does her work and nothing
else. Be warned for if you continue this for
the rest of your life you will be bling to the
simple truths that make our world a better

Color:White, pale yellow
Element: Wind
Creature: Centar(sp)

What school girl are you? (great anime pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, October 14, 2005

What zodiac sign are you most like?

You are most like a
Scorpio!Mysterious,flirty,dangerous-that's you!

What zodiac sign are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, October 13, 2005

What color is your heart?

Pink info
Your Heart is Pink

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

Is School For U?

You are not right for school or its not right for
you eather way its no good.

Is School For U?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

"Whats your song? (with videos)"

your song is Boyfriend by: Ashlee simpson!

Whats your song? (with videos)
brought to you by Quizilla

R U a Punk, Gothic, or an Angel?

u r a punk

R U a Punk, Gothic, or an Angel
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Are you cool or are you a square?

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are a Square!
You are a total dork. The pocket protecter and thick-lensed glasses give it away. Try watching some popular TV.. Get yourself some fashion sense already! On the plus side, no wait hang on, there is no plus side! Nerdsville, population YOU!
Cool quizzes at

What is your story conflict?

You are slowly fading away...
You find yourself slowly fading away... your family
& friends no longer recognize you... No one
knows who you are, you dont even know...

What is your story conflict? (anime pictures Sorry guys, girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla

What flower are you?

You are a graceful tulip. People like you for who
you are and you dont try to be someone you are
not. Guys are attracted to you and like you for
not being such a whore or slut.

wUt FlOwEr ArE yOu?
brought to you by Quizilla

What quote are u?

"Touch me w/ that hand and I'll remove
it." or.... "When someone pushes you
down, get right back up and push them

Let me guess...your a 'tough punk rocker', am I

What quote are u?
brought to you by Quizilla

What name is right for you?

Guy: Pondo, You're kinda a hyper guy, and a little
girl crazy. You're the most popular of you're
group, and you know it. Deep down though you're
rather sesative.

Girl: Danella, you're basicly a prep. You're a
popular girly girl that is totally guy crazy.
But you are a faithful friend, and love sports.
You'll proably run 4 class president.

Book I suggest you reading: 'The Thief Lord.'

Movie I suggest you watching: 'The Princess

What name is right for you! detailed answers, and pics!!
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Disney Movie are You??

Your Movie is Cinderella!

Which Disney Movie are You??
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, October 10, 2005

Which Of The Greek Gods Are You?


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

What kind of girl are you?

You're the innocent girl next door. You are
friendly, cheerful, kind, and happy. You like
to spread your happiness around making people
feel warm and joyous. To do this you like to
bake cookie and muffins while giving kind
compliments. Plus you actually give apples to
your teachers. You're pure and innocent and
most likely haven't broken many rules. Everyone
loves you. How can they not?

What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Which happy bunny are you?

you suck, and that's sad
you are the "you suck, and that's sad"
happy bunny. your truthful, but can be a bit

which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Makes You Beautiful?

You have a beautiful soul. Sure, we like to think
everyone does, but yours really glows. You are
kind and thoughtful, and always able to cheer
others up.

What Makes You Beautiful?
brought to you by Quizilla

What name suits your personality?

Guy- Ennis
Girl- Jenny

What name suits your personality?
brought to you by Quizilla

What kind of Angel is inside of your heart?

2">brought to you by Quizilla

How Do People See You?

Slow and Steady

Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

How are you in love?

How You Are In Love

You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.

In relationships, you tend to be a bit selfish.

You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.

You're secretly hoping your partner will change for you.

You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance.

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Your Birthdate: February 13

Being born on the 13th day of the month should help make you a better manager and organizer, but it may also give you a tendency to dominate people a bit.

You may be more responsible and self-disciplined than you realize.

Sincere and honest, you are a serious, hard working individual.

Your feeling are likely to seem somewhat repressed at times.

You are apt to be much more practical, rational, and conscious of details.

Your intolerance and insistence on complete accuracy can be irritating to some.

How popular are you?

I scored a 47% on the "HoW PoPuLaR ArE yUU?" Quizie! What about you?

What is your level of stupidity?

2-Very good job, you are ranked at an above average
person. You are intelligent and usually know
what's going on around you. You have a
considerable amount of friends, but you're not
the most popular person. You probably will
have/already have a good job, so keep up the
good work. If you work a little harder you
might make it to the next level.

What is your level of stupidity?
brought to you by Quizilla

What kind of UFO/Alien are you?

You are the bright light UFO. All that anyone ever
sees is a bright light in the sky and they
think it's a UFO. Nice try, but you could just
be another star in the sky.

What kind of UFO/Alien are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

How would u look with cat ears

you would look so cute wif kitty ears ^.^

how would u look with cat ears ^.^
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Eye color personality test

You chose blue eyes.
You're a very smart, intelligent person. You like
to take things apart, and see how they work,
and sometimes put them back together again. In
your class, you're probably the student who
raises your hand the most, soaking up all
knowledge for future purposes. Sometimes you
can be a bit of a know it all, and you kind of
always have to be right.

The Eye color personality test
brought to you by Quizilla

What is your Soul-Angel?

Your soul angel is...innocent.
you are free from the negitive feelings that plauge
others. untouched by hate, you seek to make
others feel as pure and happy as you. a true
angel, you are the role model for those around
Quote:"Smile but once and the world will smile

What is your Soul-Angel? (girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla

What do you Lack the Most?

You Lack Happiness. Sad, depresses, lonely. This is
who you are. Something must have made you mad.
You were happy before and you loved your life
but now, you blame all to god. You cry and lust
for happiness. You are quiet and calm. You
don't show any pride. In the future, you hope
to die so that your spirit will be free. What
has gone erroneous?

What do you Lack the Most?(awesome anime)
brought to you by

What can people see in your eyes?

People see happiness in your eyes! You are most
likely a really awesome person who trys to
enjoy life. You can usually see the good in any
situation or person. You bring joy wherever you
go in life and probably have a really good set
of friends. But sometimes you may strive too
hard to be happy and may try to fool yourself
and others. In this case, it's not good to hold
in your feelings, and you should try to find
someone to talk to about what's bothering you
instead of covering it up. But, all in all you
usually get over these situations quickly and
can continue living life to its fullest! Go
you! ^_^

What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
brought to you by

What does your perfect wedding dress look like?

You have very good taste, and it seems to show up
in your wedding dress. This dress, designed by
Atelier Aime is precious as well as
sophisticated and fits your beautiful nature.

Your perfect Wedding Dress (with pictures)
brought to you by

How weird are you?

You Are 60% Weird
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks!
How Weird Are You?

What type of friend are you?

Take the What Type of Friend are
quiz, and visit

Are you addicted to the internet?

Are you Addicted to the Internet?

44% (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Quiz Me!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Your Icecream Flavour is...
French Vanilla!
You're a smooth and silky suave type! You exude class and you believe in tradition. A classical taste who doesn't like things to be too flashy or showy. Climb the Eiffel tower of taste with a spoonfull of you! Oui Oui!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz

What is your warning label?

chicks192021 may explode without warning



Just how cool are you?

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Trendy...
You're a trendsetter.. well more of a trend follower. You have a few 'cool' friends who don't mind you hanging around for a laugh. It won't be long before you're climbing the ladder to cool status. Keep up the good work!!
Cool quizzes at

Thursday, October 06, 2005

What kind of anime eyes do you have?

Angry eyes

What kind of anime eyes do you have? (picture results)
brought to you by Quizilla

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)

Sun Goddess
Goddess of the Sun and there's no doubt that you
have a bright and cheery exterior!

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

What job are you going to get later in your life?

doctor- helping people is your calling. You love
being the hero and knowing that someone
literally owes you their life makes you smile
so you know that you really can make a
difference in the world.

What job are you gonna get later in life?
brought to you by Quizilla

What kind of angel do you represent?

You are the angel of Darkness or Night.
You love the dark, and hide in the shadows of
people. You are considered a loner, and have
few friends. You want to make more friends, but
you don't know how to. You'd rather write or
draw than participate in social events.

What Kind of Angel Do You Represent? (Awesome Pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla